What's new in Pincone?

May 24, 2024

  • When you mark all of the unread feeds and inboxes as read, we will now automatically close the ⚡️ Jump window.
  • If you want to grab the URL of a particular RSS feed, you can now do that from the ••• menu when viewing the feed page.

April 29, 2024

  • With Inboxes you can now receive newsletters and emails within Pincone, to an inbox of your choosing. Every inbox that you create in Pincone gets a unique email address that you can use to subscribe to one or more newsletters.
  • When using our ⚡️ Jump feature, you can also see all of the unread RSS feeds (and emails now) in one place and easily jump to them. With this release, you can now mark all of the updates as read with just one click of a button.

February 22, 2024

  • You can now manage labels. Under your account dropdown, there's a Labels page where you can delete labels, merge them, edit them, and delete unused labels.
  • When you're deleting an item, the "Delete" button is now autofocused to make it easier to quickly delete items using your keyboard.

March 22, 2023

  • You can now edit links inline without losing your place inside Pincone.
  • You can now provide your thoughts, ideas, bug reports, and any other comment straight from inside Pincone by using the 💬 Feedback button.
  • You can now see your current team logo on the “Manage Team” page.
  • We have tweaked some components to look better in 🌙 dark mode.
  • We no longer send emails to members you removed when you comment on links they posted.
  • Categories are now sorted alphabetically regardless of whether they are capitalized or not.

November 7, 2022

  • You can now switch between automatic, light, or dark modes straight from the ⚡️Jump screen.

October 17, 2022

  • 🎁 Surprise Me brings back a random item that you previously added to your Pincone. Read more in the release blog post!
  • We now detect duplicate links and show you if a specific link has been already added to that team!
  • You can now delete your team. We don't really want you to do that, but it's there if you want to!
  • We now remember your scroll position in the drawer when navigating between pages.
  • You can now search for an exact phrase with quotes (e.g. "color palette").
  • We made some improvements when you navigate between links and comments.
  • Squashed a few bugs when leaving comments.

June 25, 2022

  • We made a lot of improvements to how Pincone looks on your mobile phones. The navigation bar and the page title and actions have been merged into one. It now looks a lot cleaner and more content can fit on your screen.
  • This doesn't concern people who already use Pincone, but for newcomers we added a nice onboarding tutorial with smooth videos to help you make sense of where things live inside Pincone.
  • When you sign up, you'll now need to verify your email address. This was something we wanted to get right out of the gate, but alas, other things got in the way. This should prevent an influx of spam accounts on our platform making it more secure and faster for everyone.
  • For people who have a lot of links, items coming through your feeds would sometimes have dozens of labels attached to them. We fixed this so it doesn't overwhelm you anymore.
  • When you scrolled your sidebar and then tapped on your user card to get to your settings, it wouldn't scroll you back up. Well, now it does!

February 23, 2022

  • We completely revamped how 🔍 search looks and behaves! Read more about it on our blog!
  • We're constantly improving how we scrape RSS feeds. Our engine received a small, but significant speed overhaul.
  • Our toast notifications got a nice, fresh coat of paint. They've also been moved to the bottom of the screen so they don't obscure buttons and content!
  • Recently, we shipped a feature where we improved how tweets are scraped. In this release, we improved how we scrape profiles of people on Twitter!
  • We updated our Jump keyboard shortcut and added new ones for search and timeline so it's faster to move around your Pincone.
  • There were some issues with the width of our main layout on tablets. That's been fixed now and there should now no longer be an ugly gap to the right of your links!

January 5, 2022

  • We've improved the way we scrape tweets. 🐦 Previously, due to some technical limitations, we couldn't show you details around a tweet you were adding to Pincone. Now, you'll get the exact tweet you're adding, the author and we'll even pull in an image if it's attached to a tweet.
  • When ingesting content from feeds, we realized some links weren't being scraped properly and you would see just a URL which wasn't very nice. With our latest batch of improvements, you should now see better content coming through the feeds.

January 3, 2022

  • We've improved our scraper a bit and it will no longer show you HTML entities like """ instead of actual quotation marks.

October 20, 2021

  • When you open the Jump window, you will now see the unread feeds you've added immediately so you can more easily navigate to them.

September 30, 2021

  • Adding YouTube links should now be faster and more properly scrape the content you're trying to add.
  • We're setting the color of the browser theme based on your appearance preferences.
  • There was a bug with searching some types of content that we fixed.

July 28, 2021

  • We've added the ability to quickly jump to any category, feed, team and more.

May 26, 2021

  • You can now set up RSS feeds in Pincone. We will automatically fetch all new content from those feeds. From now on, Pincone is not only a place where you can store content, but a destination for you to discover new content.
  • We built our very own autolabeling engine that will prefill labels when you're adding new links.
  • We added the ability to create a new category when you're adding a new link.
  • Your view options are now under your Preferences area. We did this so that the Timeline and your categories are cleaner.
  • Links are now deleted without refreshing the page which could lead to losing your place in Pincone.

December 7, 2020

  • 🌒 We've added support for dark mode! You can now switch between light and dark themes or stick with your system default which will switch themes automatically.
  • Published our roadmap to everyone, so you can keep track of what's coming down the road.
  • We've limited the number of members that appear when you're trying to mention somebody, so it doesn't overwhelm you.
  • Fixed an issue where a favicon would not get scraped properly.

November 4, 2020

  • We've added the ability to comment on links! You can now mention other members of your team, spark discussions or leave notes for yourself in your Personal Pincone.
  • Tap on any label and you will be taken to a dedicated label page where you can view all the links that are tagged with that label.
  • We've improved hotkey support when you're adding links.
  • When somebody posts a link you really like, there's a nice little animation when you press the Like button.
  • Fixed a bug that could render a bunch of code you shouldn't see when adding a new link.
  • Sometimes, when you would add two-character labels it wouldn't work properly. Now, it does!

September 30, 2020

  • You can now import bookmarks to Pincone. Your previous bookmarks from your browser or other online services can now be imported to Pincone. Read more on this in our launch blog post.
  • We added the ability to edit any link you add to Pincone. Admins of a team can edit any link.
  • We fixed a limitation on the length of the title for your links.
  • Updating your profile photo would sometimes not update the logo of your Personal Pincone.

August 3, 2020

  • You can now finally 🔍 search across your Pincone and find links without crawling through each category.
  • Admins can now edit and delete categories.
  • We added a few very useful keyboard shortcuts to Pincone. Like pressing N for new links.
  • The experience when adding a new link has been fully redone and is much, much better.
  • You now get email notifications for common actions such as invites, payments, etc.
  • You can now reset your password if you forgot it.
  • We've slightly refreshed the look-and-feel of our link cards.
  • We hope you never see this, but we've spruced up our error pages.
  • When a site had a favicon that was an SVG file, it broke. It doesn't break any more!
  • We had a tiny little bug with likes that we didn't like, and we fixed it.

April 17, 2020

  • We've redesigned the way you switch teams. Everything now lives inside your user dropdown making it easier to browse new content across your teams!
  • The link cards have been refreshed slightly, leading to a more cohesive experience.
  • Our mobile layout has been improved to get rid of a bug that caused the pages to scroll side-to-side.

April 8, 2020

  • Users can now delete the links that they have added. Admins can delete all the links, obviously.
  • Sometimes you would try and add a link and it would fail. For a bookmarking service, that is probably not a good thing. It won't happen any more, we promise!

March 18, 2020

  • Every user now has access to their Personal Pincone. With Personal Pincones, you can now save and organize your private bookmarks. Enjoy all of the Pincone functionality, but none of the collaboration. Sometimes you just need a little bit of space for yourself.

March 7, 2020

  • Added this Changelog page that you're looking at right now. Meta.

March 5, 2020

  • In our latest round of bugfixes, we added a bug preventing you from switching between teams. Well, we fixed that as well. Now we're just left wondering what bug we introduced this time.
  • When new links were loaded on the page, you couldn't actually see who liked those links.

March 2, 2020

  • Categories are now paginated to improve loading times.
  • The "Popular" category served no real, useful purpose. So it's gone now.
  • Categories are now ordered the same way across all pages.
  • The cards were squeezed together a lot on mobile and tablet sizes, so we gave them some breathing room.
  • The menu drawer now actually opens on iPhone devices. Whoops.

Ancient History

You've reached the end of recorded Pincone deployments. We deployed a lot of things, but just forgot to write down what exactly.

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