
This is a high-level overview of what we're working on here at Pincone. If you have any ideas or thoughts, feel free to suggest a feature. For updates we shipped recently, visit the changelog.


Ingest Emails

The ability to send emails into a specific folder on Pincone with an unique email address

Surprise Me

Bring back a random item that you previously added to your Pincone.

Improved Search Experience

An easier and better way to search for content across Pincone

RSS Feeds

Set up RSS feeds and store links into your Pincone

Dark Mode

For those moments you want to enjoy Pincone late at night without burning your retinas


Ability to post comments and mention other users

Label Pages

Explore all links tagged with a specific label.

Import Bookmarks

Import your bookmark library from browser or other bookmark managers

Browser Extensions

Add links to Pincone straight from Chrome and Firefox

In Progress

Safari Extension

Add links to Pincone from a Safari extension

User Profiles

Visit the profile page of someone on your team to learn more about them and see the content they post


Saved for Later

When you find something interesting and you don’t have time for it, we’ll set it aside for you


Keep on top of all the things going on

Member Directory

See everyone that is part of your team

Mobile Apps

An improved, native experience for your smaller devices


Image Content

Add images and create galleries on Pincone

Files and Documents

Ability to add and post files of any type

Written Content

Ability to add and post your own content


Pincone will recommend content to you based on items you already added

Two-Factor Authentication

More secure ways to sign in to your Pincone account


Allow more freedom in choosing how Pincone looks for you or your team

Audio Content

Allow audio content on Pincone (with transcriptions)

Offline Content

Scrape and save the contents of the link you added

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