Introducing Pincone

August 6th, 2020 • Pincone helps you keep all of your bookmarks in one place and shared with your team. Read up on the motivation behind Pincone, where we are at and what the future looks like.

Introducing Pincone

TL:DR; Pincone is a simple and well-designed bookmarking tool that makes it easier to share content with others. On it, you have your own personal space, to keep track of your private bookmarks and shared spaces to exchange links with others. It’s free for personal use, free for small teams and $5 / month / team for bigger teams.

Pincone was built with a singular vision – to become a great knowledge-sharing platform. Right now it can help you keep track of and share all the content you find interesting on the World Wide Web. With Pincone, you can create teams for your coworkers, friends, family or anyone else! Inside a team, you can submit links, add them to categories, label them, search for them across the entire team and much more.

Want to use Pincone just for yourself? Once you sign up for Pincone, you automatically get access to your own Personal Pincone where you can enjoy all the benefits and functionality of Pincone, alone.

Launch and Pricing

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve just launched Pincone, after a pretty extensive testing period. Go ahead and create an account to see what it’s all about.

In terms of pricing, Pincone is free for personal use and for small teams of up to three members. Everything bigger than that, it’s very simple, a flat fee of $5/month or $50/year per team. A flat fee means we don’t charge per users or per number of links or whatever. Knock yourselves out.

Next Steps

The two biggest things we are working on next is support for comments and importing bookmarks from other services.

💬 Comments

We are adding commenting to build upon the foundations of Pincone as a tool for sharing knowledge. Comments will allow you to start discussions, mention other people, or leave notes for yourself.

📥 Import Bookmarks

All of those bookmarks that you have accumulated over the years shouldn’t go to waste. We’re prioritizing the ability to import bookmarks so you can pick up where you left off and start enjoying all the benefits of Pincone on your existing database. We think this will be especially useful for your Personal Pincone.

Comments and importing bookmarks should be arriving in September, we’ll keep you posted.

We update Pincone very often, with minor features and bug-fixes, and you can see this on our Changelog page. We also aim to add a publicly-visible roadmap pretty soon. Additionally, you can follow us on Twitter for product updates. ✨

Apart from the two items above, we have big plans for Pincone. We want Pincone to become not just a place where you store and organize links, but a place for exploration, discussion and sharing all kinds of content and ideas.

We would love for you to give Pincone a whirl. For any feature recommendations, product questions or thoughts, tweet at us or email us. 🙌

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