Comments and Label Pages

November 4th, 2020 • Our October release is all about comments! You can now comment on links, mention others, add notes, and more!

Comments and Label Pages

💬 Comments

From our first ideas on what Pincone is and what lies in the future, collaboration with others was always the top item on our list. Our latest release goes a long way towards that goal. We've now added the ability to comment on links.

Use comments to spark discussion with others, leave feedback, or ask for thoughts by mentioning others in your team.

You can also comment on links in your Personal Pincone. We found this useful for adding additional context to links or just leaving little notes for yourself.

Pro Tip: You can use Markdown to bold, emphasize, and strikethrough text!

Easily comment on any link in Pincone.

🔖 Label Pages

Labels are a great way to tag similar pieces of content inside different categories. For example, two different links can live inside two different categories but share the same label. Previously, there was no way to easily find that content unless you searched for a specific label.

Introducing: label pages! You are now able to tap on any label you find interesting and you will be taken to a specific page for that label. For example, if you click on the music label, Pincone will show you any link labeled with music, across a team or your Personal Pincone.

Screenshot of our label pages.

Up Next: 🧩 Chrome Extension

Adding content into Pincone can be a bit cumbersome, so we're looking at ways on how to improve that. This month we're focused on shipping a Chrome extension that will allow you to add any link to Pincone without ever leaving that page.

Don't worry, other browser extensions like Firefox and Safari are coming down the road!

You like this, but you have an idea for a new feature? Feel free to send us an email to!

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Inboxes Changes to our pricing model Surprise Me Onboarding and Other Improvements A Redesigned Search Experience

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